Wednesday, July 2, 2008

YouTube and slam poetry

There's quite a bit of slam poetry on YouTube. YouTube is a perfect medium for slam poetry -- performances just waiting to be filmed for their in-your-face attitude, the visuals, and the appreciative responses of the audiences. One I saw today is "Liking Me" by Sonya Renee, a runner up in the nationals. It's about having safe sex in a hip-hop culture that frowns upon it.

Some interesting features: YouTube allows you to save favorite videos in folders, which is convenient. The comment area is always interesting. The quality varies a lot -- but hey not everything has to be perfect to be appreciated.

Since sound is such an integral part to movies, we wouldn't want to put a video on the library's homepage. But I can imagine the library might create videos to be seen on YouTube, such as videos of our programs or special promotions. I don't think this is a very effective promotional avenue because YouTube reaches a national audience and is not limited to the local community. On the other hand, our video for the summer reading program has been viewed 409 times as of today -- not a bad number, considering. But I still think it would function better as a video archive.

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