Thursday, July 3, 2008


I listened to an interview with David Sedaris which was sponsored and podcasted (can it be used as a verb?) by the Kankakee Public Library. (How does such an obscure sounding place get such a high-powered speaker?) Then using Podcast Alley I found an interesting subscription podcast called "The Unnamed Path," which promotes New Age spiritualism.

It was interesting that the Sedaris podcast did not require a podcast receiver. But, to listen to one of the 55 or so lectures on the Unnamed Path, I had to first download a receiver (I chose Juice) and then download the particular lecture I wanted to hear. So some podcasts are by subscription, and others are just parts of websites to be clicked on. I added the Unnamed Path to my bloglines account. Some of the 10 feeds from them turned out to be new podcasts, and some were just news and information and were not podcasts. As is typical of the Internet, nothing is neat and tidy and easily categorizable. Everything is mixed together and the whole is greater than the parts.

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