Saturday, June 7, 2008

Change and Technorati

A search in Technorati for blog links to our library website reveals that congratulations are in order to NCR for having created the Mousing Around tutorial. It's obvious the tutorial is being promoted and used around the country.

An interesting hit for the search "web 2.0" was one entitled USA 2.0. It says that change is afoot and the government had better pay attention to what people want. This caused me to realize that the term 2.0 is becoming synonymous with making your opinion count for something and thereby making a difference. That would be a major change! Up until now, some of us have felt powerless to change the world for the better.

Another interesting hit was how to make your website "look" like a 2.0 website. Our expectations are being raised in the sense that we now expect all our interactions to respect us as individuals.

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