Saturday, May 31, 2008

The RSS Experience

I noticed that after you open your feeds, they disappear. That's convenient, so you are only seeing new things, and you don't have to spend time managing each item. Perhaps there's a way to save ones you want to keep -- I'll have to look into that. Its ease of use and speed adds to its appeal. I don't feel I have time for adding new routines, but this one seems like it may be worth the time if I carefully restrict my feeds.

It seems that Bloglines was originally intended to connect you to your friends' blogs, hence the name. It's interesting that this use isn't being talked up as much anymore. Instead, it is being touted for subscribing to RSS Feeds from various websites and organizations.

But it seems passive -- just receiving information. It's not a true 2.0 experience where you would create content for others to see, unless you count publishing your Bloglines site, but that just seems like not the point.

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