Saturday, May 17, 2008

Adding a picture from Flickr

A chandelier or a visual representation of connectedness?

A tricky thing. I wonder how many ways there are to add a picture from Flickr. It wasn't as though you could just copy/paste. The Help screen in Blogger didn't help because it only covered two situations (pictures from your computer or if you knew the URL). But Flickr has a button that says "Blog this" so I tried that, which then made me get permission from Google to copy the picture. So does that override the copyright issues, if there are any? Anyway, the picture appeared on my blog but in a location that was not very attractive. I realized that since this is public and people may see what you did, you can't be too sloppy. This is just practice, but people are looking! So I selected a different template and it looked better -- all by itself, luckily!

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